
Fall 2024 - WED D2

TrashersSharon Ossi53110171107
HellbendersMadison Lau53110201107
The Bad BatchMeg Fontaine53200221706
Puck MafiaJess Narod52210142105
The WhaleDan Book|Claude Williams6033071503
TitansJason Makstein4130091402
GP: games played | W: wins | L: losses | T: ties | OTL: overtime losses | GF: goals for | GA: goals against | SP: sportsmanship points | P: points
Tiebreaker order: P > GP > W > Head to Head > SP > Goal diff

Fall 2024 - WED Rec

BrewHawksBrad Phillips64110191009
Frozen ChozenLew Fontek53110121007
Gwendolyn Black KnightsNick Franson61230161605
Blue Crab HammersSteve Pineau5122081204
Red RaidersMarni Klein6033071403
GP: games played | W: wins | L: losses | T: ties | OTL: overtime losses | GF: goals for | GA: goals against | SP: sportsmanship points | P: points
Tiebreaker order: P > GP > W > Head to Head > SP > Goal diff